Professional Endorsements

  • Ross is a dedicated and caring therapist with a grounded presence. One of his many valuable strengths, as I have experienced, is his ability to be forthcoming and direct while also holding necessary and challenging reflections with deep compassion and care. He continually seeks further skills through personal practice alongside learning with highly revered professionals in the field; this has allowed him to develop a nuanced expertise in offering meaningful insight and support through integrating the mind and body. As a colleague, I recognize his profound skillfulness in guiding individuals and couples through personal and sacred transformations. I trust and greatly value Ross; for these reasons I highly recommend working with him.

    Dr. Krista Rhinehart, Ph.D., LMFT

  • Ross is an inspired therapist and healer. His work is somatically and intuitively guided — you feel at ease right away. He is perceptive, curious, and compassionate with his clients. If you want to be guided by someone who is very much alive and can truly support your journey, I highly recommend meeting with Ross.

    Clare Johnson, LMFT

  • In many ways the field is saturated with mental health professionals of many types and brands. Yet time and time again the research suggests that a warm, receptive and well-attuned therapist is the touchstone for emotional growth. In Ross Baumann you have such a professional. You will not meet a warmer, more engaged and responsive clinician. This matters most. Make the time to know him and let him know you.

    Dr. Alberto Varona, Psy.D.

  • I know Ross to be a wise and patient guide, committed to his clients and their growth.

    Alexander Warrnow, LMFT

  • I have had the great pleasure of learning and consulting with Ross as a colleague for the past several years. I am in constant awe of his sensitivity, curiosity, and insight into the therapeutic process. He brings both a bright awareness and a deep caring to his work as a therapist and has a strong capacity to support his clients in growing new and exciting possibilities for themselves. He is deeply committed to continually learning, growing, and developing himself as a clinician. I have a great appreciation for Ross' clinical expertise and highly recommend working with him!

    Tamara Reimer, LMFT